Digital Accessibility
Color Contrast Checker
Contrast and color accessibility tool from WebAIM
Figma Accessibiltiy A11y Annotation Kit
Guide on how to add callouts for elements, indicate focus order, and specify keyboard interactions
Just Ask: integrating accessibility in designs
Details on accessibility in each phase of the user-centered design process from author, Shawn Henry
Learning center, community programs and digital accessiblity testing services
Stephanie Walter's Guide
Documenting accessibility & user interactions
W3 Accessibility Standards
Strategies, standards, resources to make the Web accessible to people with disabilities
Pitt Equity Design Thinking
Educational series of modules created by the University of Pittsburgh
Equity & Design Justice
Design Justice Network
A home for people who are committed to embodying and practicing design justice
Field Guide: Equity-Centered Community Design
A guide from Creative Reaction Lab whose process focuses on a community's culture and needs
Liberatory Design Equity-focused Card Deck
An approach to addressing equity challenges and change efforts in complex systems
AI Needs an Ethical Compass from IDEO
Designing with data card set
Ethical Design Network
Network for people interested in ethical design
Ethical Design Resources
A resource that provides guidance for designing ethically humane digital products
Human First
Trauma-informed, human-centered approaches to work and well-being through community, courses, and consulting
Microsoft Inclusive Design Toolkit
Inclusive design principles, tool and activities
Disability Language Style Guide
A guide for understanding the nuances of person-first, inclusive, and disability language
An inclusive, modern, identity dictionary
UCSF Specific
Safe, equitable and trustworthy AI
Accessible PowerPoints
Video recording
Community-Engaged Research Guides and Resource Manuals
from UCSF Research Consultation
Planning Accessible Events
Concrete guidelines for planning accessible in-person, remote, and hybrid events
UC Electronic Accessibility Toolkit
Accessible digital content, accessiblity in the workplace, tools and training
UCSF disability resources, education and events
Office of Disability Access and Inclusion provides training, programs, and resources that empower and supports UCSF in advancing its commitment to disability access, inclusion, and anti-ableism